Thomasson on campus?

Thomasson on campus? / Thomasson på campus? Written by Lars-Henrik Ståhl and published before the symposium Fountains Failures Futures: The afterlives of public art, 28 & 29 September 2023 in Lund, Sweden.

PDF in Swedish or English.

Abstract: There are obvious similarities, but also differences, between the LTH Fountain and the urban objects known as 'Hyperart Thomasson'. These can best be described as abandoned building parts and infrastructure, which have lost their former function. The term Hyperart Thomasson was coined by the photographer Genpei Akasegawa, who together with his students documented this type of object in Tokyo in the 1980s. In this text, some issues are discussed regarding the LTH Fountain and Hyperart Thomasson, which also form the starting points for an upcoming video, with the working title Thomasson on campus?



A Thomasson in Roppongi, Tokyo (2023). Photo: Lars-Henrik Ståhl.

Banner image: A Thomasson in Bunkyo, Tokyo (2023). Photo: Lars-Henrik Ståhl.