Dan Karlholm on Re-sourcing the LTH Fountain

Listen to Dan Karlholm speak at Fountains Failures Futures: The afterlives of public art – a symposium in Lund, 28-30 September 2023. Dan is a writer, art historian & Professor at Södertörn University, Stockholm. He researches the historiography of art, temporality, and effects of the Anthropocene.…

Jes Fernie on 'Cracks and how to deal with them'

Listen to Jes Fernie speak at Fountains Failures Futures: The afterlives of public art – a public symposium in Lund, 28-30 September 2023. In 2021 Jes launched the Archive of Destruction, exploring narratives around public sculpture that have been destroyed by rage, boredom, fear, greed, and love.…

"Fail Your Rubblish Art!"

PDF download. Mick Wilson explores different tropes of failure within the context of a research project on public art: “The Fountain: An art-technological-social drama”.…

Thomasson on campus?

PDF download. In this text, some similarities, but also differences, are introduced between the LTH Fountain and the urban objects known as 'Hyperart Thomasson'.…

Fountains Failures Futures: The afterlives of public art

A free public symposium in Lund, Sweden, 28 & 29 September 2023. More details and registration HERE Research and discussion about public art frequently focuses on conditions of emergence and production for public works. Fountains Failures Futures starts at the other end – thinking about the afterlives of public art in…