October 20, 2020: "Ten projects will receive funding from Formas and the Swedish Arts Council's investment in research into the designed living environment. The research projects, which address the value of architecture, form, design, cultural environment and art in the development of society, will share a total of SEK 40 million. The projects will create new knowledge, and the results will also be felt in concrete terms around Sweden, for example in Gällivare, Dalsland and in Lund.
This initiative is the first of its kind and focuses on the value and significance of architecture, form, design, the cultural environment and art for the individual, the living environment and the sustainable development of society. All projects have a strong artistic component and they must, through creative processes, lead to new knowledge and highlight new perspectives on societal challenges."
Tio projekt får finansiering i vår och @statenskonstrad satsning på forskning kring gestaltad livsmiljö. Projekten delar på 40 miljoner kr och kommer märkas av runt om i Sverige, t.ex. Gällivare, Dalsland & Lund. #forskning #konst https://t.co/RIHXQqWssg pic.twitter.com/IFIHvxSBbH
— Formas Forskning (@FormasForsk) October 20, 2020
Banner image: Klas Anshelm (left) and Arne Jones with LTH-fontänen, 1969. Photo: Staffan Hagblom.